Sunday, February 14, 2010

hApPy VaLeNtiNes DaY!!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!! What a fun holiday-especially if you teach 4th graders! We had a contest to see who could make the most "creative" Valentine's box, and here are some that I thought were pretty creative..

Duct Tape Box!!

THis one was my favorite. He had a section for his water bottle, Valentine's and for his candy. He painted popsicle sticks and glued them together to make this "love boat". So cute.

It's amazing what a little bit of glitter and feathers can do! :)

Playing in the car...

The Valentine's I made for my class...

I just HAD to have my own box, so Matt helped me wrap it (i SUCK at wraping BTW) and then I cut out the hearts to make it look a bit festive. I must admit, my kids made my box look like crap. Oh well, I tried. I guess they're just more creative than I am- go figure!!

We had a relaxing Valentine's Day weekend. Yesterday we went to the movie "Valentine's Day" which was really cute- got me in the Valentiney mood!! After the movie, we went to a late dinner at Applebee's (not my favorite, but we had a gift card, so hey, it was free.) It was fun!
I woke up this morning to flowers and candy and a cute homemade Valentine from my hubby. How fun! Why isn't Valentine's Day like once a month? Now, that'd be nice. :)
We went to church, which was awesome because we had a special meeting where one of the 12 apostles came to speak! It was so neat. Not only was it awesome that he was there, but church was only an hour and a half!! Ha ha I could get used to that!!
After that, we came home, ate some lunch, I made Matt a Valentine, and then we took a nap. When we woke up, Matt said he had a little date planned for the rest of the night. We jumped in the car and headed down to Idaho Falls where we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse ( fav.) and then came home and made sugar cookies! It was so much fun.


making cookies in the pink Kitchenaid!! :)

Matt's homemade Valentine, gotta love him!! :)
Here are some pictures of the card I made him. I was quite pleased with how it turned out! My mother-in-law, Debbie, got me the Cuddlebug machine for Christmas. I had so much fun using it to make his card!


Inside of card...


Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful day.


  1. Ah, young love! (-:
    Wow, I must say, you had quite a wonderful Valentines Day week! The kids' boxes were amazing - I bet they had a ball! I remember how much fun Valentines Day was in elementary school when everybody got a box full of cards and lots of candy, and no one went home empty-handed. We missed you here - we had heart-shaped pizza!

  2. You look like you had a fun weekend as well! I think Valentine's Day should be once a month too. That would be so nice. :) Cute card too! I love making cards...

  3. Your class is adorable and good choice on the kit kats for the class, you know those are my fav!

  4. Wow what a good teacher you are! Those boxes are so cute! Matt is a doll you don't deserve him you know that right? (-:

  5. I know, I know, how'd I get so dang lucky!?!


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