Tuesday, June 2, 2009

From Chimichangas to Star Wars....

Yummy Chimichangas!!!!!

So I made chimichangas for dinner tonight, and I was very pleased with the outcome. (thank you Tiff.) They were delicious!! The presentation was awesome if I do say so myself. :)

Here’s the recipe if you would like to try it!!

2/3 cup salsa
1 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. oregano
1 to 1 1/2 cup chicken (boil and cut up)
1 cup cheese
diced onion (can do 1/2 onion)
1/2 tsp. fresh garlic or garlic powder
Mix all ingredients. Put 1/2 cup of the mixture on tortillas. Fold sides and roll up. Place in 9x9 pan (or around that size), and brush with butter.
Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes.
(This will make about 5 chimichangas.)
Any good ideas to keep me busy during the day? (besides Oprah, reading, sleeping, exercising, blogging, having babies, etc???)I'm starting to get a bit bored. It was nice for a while but I am ready to be busy again!! I have the whole summer ahead of me..and need some entertainment!! If you have ANY cute (CHEAP) crafty ideas or any other ideas for that matter--let me know!!!

STAR WARS...... oh boy. Matt has to watch the very first Star Wars "The New Hope" (he just said it's actually the fourth Star Wars...excuse me) for one of his classes. So here we are, me--blogging, him---staring intently at the T.V. munching on popcorn, clearly enjoying himself. Boys and Star Wars...what's the big deal!? A gold tin man and a mini robot squeaky machine just doesn't do it for me. Weird.


  1. See I told you cooking wasn't bad at all, I love it now!! The trip was so fun and I really need to update my blog with pictures:) When are you guys coming home again?

  2. Hey! I know ALL about being bored all day long...you should start scrapbooking! I make cards a lot because they're quick and fairly inexpensive. I also do frames...also cheap, fun and fast. You can buy wooden frames for $1.00 at Michaels and then you just buy whatever paper you want and then mod podge! It's really fun. :)There's some pictures of frames I've made on my blog if you want to look... Good luck in solving your boredom. If you have any other ideas, pass them my way! Oh, and I just saved the pics of my dad dancing onto my computer, so no need to get me copies. Thanks, though!!

  3. I just tried that chimichanga recipe tonight for dinner and we both loved it! Thanks for posting the recipe!


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